Viktor Schauberger
Minä Olen-lehti 1/2012: Esa Ruoho: Viktor Schauberger: Vesi on Elävä Organismi!

"Ihmisolentojen ja eläimien on äärimmäisen tärkeää juoda elävää vettä. Kemiallisesti puhdistettu, kloorattu tai otsonoitu vesi ei ole enää elävää ja terveellistä. Hyvä vesi, täynnä elämää ja energiarikkautta, on synonyymi voimakkaalle ja terveelle elämälle. Huonolaatuinen vesi johtaa sairaaseen elämään. Ei vettä on sama kuin ei elämää."
–Viktor Schauberger.
Viktor Schauberger's Questions for Science
Since the very beginning of time the Sun has stood above everything, staring down in icy silence at the frenzied activities of humanity, who regard it as a fiery orb? How could it be otherwise, such is their direct mental approach towards life? Yet the closer we approach the source of light and heat, the colder and darker its face will become. The nearer we are to it, the brighter the stars will be. As its light diminishes, heat, atmosphere, water and life will also disappear.
PESN: Jeane Manning Reviews Viable Alternative Technologies
Speaking at the New Energy Movement conference in Portland, Oregon, Sept. 25, 2004, Manning described several technologies of promise to bring relief to the world's dependence on fossil fuels
by Susan M. Carter and T. Cullen Pure Energy Systems News PORTLAND, OREGON, USA
Jeane Manning, founding member of New Energy Movement and author of The Coming Energy Revolutions and Energie, said her goal was to make the New Energy field user friendly for the general public.
Questions to Klaus Rauber
From: Klaus Rauber
Date: Mar 17, 2006 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: implosion magazine question + movie question
To: Esa Ruoho
Cc: Schauberger-PKS
Good day.
I write from MERLib, Modern Energy Research Library.
We have a question for you.
A Viktor Schauberger Experiment from Our Senseless Toil
An Experiment
A small and unassuming experiment reveals a great law.
Take a vessel, fill it with sand, insulate the sides and the base from the effects of external temperature. By placing ice at the bottom of the vessel a temperature of +4°C (39.2°F) can be produced artificially - conditions will be created which are to be found inside the Earth.
1989-11-03: Vortexian Mechanics and Implosion Workshop Report with Walter and Rhetta Baumgartner
Workshop report: VORTEXIAN MECHANICS And IMPLOSION WORKSHOP with Walter and Rhetta Baumgartner. November 3-S, 1989, Millbrae, California
This workshop came off quite well. Many of those in attendance came with ideas of their own to share and many good connections were made. After the end early on Sunday evening there were many satisfied people saying farewell.
Schauberger on fluoridation
"...Artificial fluoridation of the water supplies is another pernicious process with equally alarming consequences for the drinker. There are two different forms of fluoride, one of which, calcium fluoride, is naturally occurring. Where present in the groundwater or wells it has been observed that the teeth of those who drink such water are much stronger and less prone to caries. The other, sodium fluoride is not found naturally and is a poisonous by-product of aluminium smelting and used in insecticides.